Saturday, November 17, 2012

Second Coming

                To be prepared for the second coming, believers need to read Matthew 13 verses 5, 9, 23, 33, 35, and 37. The Lord is telling us to take heed and watch the world around us. In verse five, I need to take heed in case people deceive me. In the last days, there will be a lot of lies and deceit. In verse nine, the Lord explains that we need to be prepared to bear our testimonies to all people. We could be in physical harm but we always need to remember not to be scared of man but of God. We need to always bear testimony of him. We need to take heed because we have been given this knowledge and many are called but few our chosen. Since we have this knowledge, we need to share it with others. Since we know what is to come in the last days, we need to prepare accordingly. Nobody but God knows when the second coming is. We need to be completely prepared and watch and pray. We need to watch for signs and just always repent. Christ can come at any moment. The most important thing to do is ‘watch’ according to verse 37. Watch for signs of the second coming. The most important thing we can do right now is to build our testimonies as strong as we can.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Earthly and Heavenly Rewards

In Matthew 19 verses 16 to 30, a young man asked the savior how he could obtain eternal life. He was told to follow the commandments such as abstaining from adultery or murder. He said that he had been following the commandments and what he had lacked. Christ told him that as a rich man, he needed to give his possessions to the poor to become perfect. He probably decided not to follow the Savior because his heart was set on his material objects and did not treasure up his heart in the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ explains that “A rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Vs. 23). This man was sorrowful because of Christ’s answer but this was the answer of truth. He was already doing so much good but even the little bad things are able to capture the heart. Christ explained that no man can be saved except through God. “With God, all things are possible” (Vs. 26). All people who forsake their loved ones and most prized possessions for Christ’s sake will receive “an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life” (Vs. 30).

It is important for me to put the Lord first in my life. Sometimes it gets hard because the Lord is not really visible. But in verse 30, it is stated that we even need to put him before our family. This is important because in my life, my sister is going against the doctrines of the church. She wants me to support her wrong decisions and she is even making me feel guilty. I know that I love the Lord and the gospel more than bad choices and I will never let anything get in the way of my love for him.

There is a parable of the Laborers that the Lord wants us to understand. It is explained in Matthew chapter 20 that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. I believe that this is talking about the resurrection and the afterlife. As in the parable, everyone is paid the same amount no matter how much or how less each worker worked. Everyone is promised the same amount. This is referring to the Jews or the chosen people and the gentiles. The Gentiles will be the first to be resurrected and the Jews will be the last. In the end, everyone is equal and will receive all that has been promised to them. God is a man of promises and is bound when we obey. Converts should feel comfort because no matter when they join the church, they will receive as much as any other member.