Sunday, May 20, 2012

Environment Can Determine Homoexuality

The subject of homosexuality is a very controversial topic right now.  There has been much research on this subject and the media is able to take this research and twist it. Although no research has discovered a “gay gene” much of society believes there is one and people are simply born that way. Each individual has predispositions that might be expressed but much of the environment can modify those expressions. Many people proclaim to be gay just because of the environment they were raised in that shaped their thoughts and inklings. Homosexuality is not genetic. It is comprised of genetics, childhood environment, and personal choice. There are some boys or girls that may have more feminine or masculine qualities. If a child is seen in the middle, they are usually seen as the “third” gender. For example, if males are put off by their peers because they are more sensitive, caring, or creative, they tend to migrate to the girls because they may have more interests in common. When children start to become attracted to each other, they like the fact that the opposite sex is interesting and mysterious. When a boy had been secluded from his male peers, he might start to see them as the opposite but what he wanted all along was to be accepted and have intimacy. Intimacy is not sexual relations per say. It is the fact of being loved and cared for. Once this boy is separated, his peers may start to call him “gay”(even though they don’t necessarily know what it means) because in our society, it is not acceptable for males to be more feminine even though it is acceptable for a girl to be a tom-boy.  When boys are pounded everyday by their peers, they may test the waters and realize they had body stimulations toward males and now they believe they are “gay”. It is just because they were stimulated. This is absurd because even infants get stimulated in some way. Body stimulations should not be a defining factor of who anybody is. If a boy is sexually molested, they are four times as likely to be homosexual because they become confused about sexuality. Most people who proclaim sexuality had cruel fathers and overinvolved mothers. If a father formed a good relationship with his son, they will most likely not be homosexual. If the father spent time with his son even doing more feminine things, they will just turn out to be more feminine but straight men. It is so sad when boys are condoned for their feminine qualities because many qualities of the savior are kind, caring, and gentle. So many talents could have been developed in those children but society does not accept that and it is a shame. Most girls that proclaim lesbian had male relationships before but want to find satisfaction somewhere else. In almost all situations, it is a matter of intimacy and not sex. It is important for LDS members to go back to what they actually know. Heavenly Father made us and gave us a gender for a reason and none of us our broken. In my life, I have known homosexuals and I do not accept their lifestyle and it is a choice they make but I still love them because I try to love all of God’s children. Being homosexual is a behavior and it does not make the person who they are. I hope people will become aware of the matter that environment plays a huge role and in the end, it is the homosexual couple that will the most hurt if homosexuals marriages are allowed.

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