When two people get married, they converge their own styles
and traditions that they followed in their old families. The primary
relationship in the home is the husband and wife. Each family consists of
systems and a few are unstated rules, symbolic interaction, roles, homeostasis,
exchange, and detouring. I find unstated rules the most interesting because
people do not really recognize that they are really there. Rules are created by
redundancy and repetition. I noticed rules in my home that I have never thought
of before. My dad loves to get huge glasses of ice water and if I sneak a sip
of it, he tells me that I have to refill the entire thing. So I try not to take
some but if I do, I know there are consequences. Another rule is that if my
family watches a movie together, my dad gets the recliner chair. If he is
walking in the living room to sit down, us children have to jump of the chair
really fast before he gets there. There are also three different family types
that make up a community. There are open
families, random families, and closed families. I would say that my family is
open because we are flexible, bound by love, and we have healthy interaction.
We do not display a lack of love and we are not over involved in each other’s
lives and that is why I feel we are open. The family systems even goes in depth
with the order that children are born. Everything that happens within a family
is significant and the Lord made it that every single person matters and
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