Friday, September 28, 2012

The Power of Miracles

God has extraordinary power because he can work through man on Earth to accomplish miracles. Christ is the greatest example of God working through man. In the New Testament, Mathew chapters 8 through 9 and Mark 2 hold some great examples of miracles and faith.  Christ healed leperacy, palsy, blindness, fevers, and blood diseases. He also cast out devils and calmed the seas. These are only a few of the miracles he bestowed on his brothers and sisters. These scriptures are amaazing because the people had great faith. Everybody that Christ helped had unshakable faith and followed had faith in Christ the moment they heard what he can do. Many people followed without question. In Matt 8:5-13, A man had faith that Christ could heal someone even if he was not in the same room as him. This man had a servant with palsy but he diid not want Christ to enter his home. Since the man had amazing faith, Christ just said the word that he would be healed and this was done.

Almost all of the people in these chapters had unwavering faith. With this faith, Christ made anything possible. I know that this is true because the spirit testifies this to me as I read. I know that if I pray continually and have faith in Jesus Christ, I know he will help me accomplish my dreams. I am going to practice having unwavering faith. Sometimes it is hard but even if just pray to have more faith, the Lord will help me. I will try everyday to have faith because I know that Christ can make my life whole.

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