Saturday, October 6, 2012


The Bible dictionary has the definition for the word parable. Simplified, parables are intended for the people who are seeking the gospel. Those people with faith and intelligence will understand parables as more than just stories. Parables use material things to describe divine truth. Parables are usually stories that have a wider significance.
Christ uses parables such as the tares, mustard seed, and the pearl of great price. The future growth of the church reminds of the pearl of great price. I believe the church will grow because people will realize  the great worth of this gospel.
The church sends out missionaries so the gospel can be spread and people will find the savior in their life. This reminds me of the mustard seed parable. The wicked will be cast out. The Lord does not want to cast his children out and he wants the young missionaries to inform and teach through the spirit. The church grows pretty rapidly because the spirit is able to enlighten individuals. The spirit testifies that this gospel is the true gospel.
As in the parable of the tares, Satan is decieving and sly. Those people who give up worldy things are wise because they know of this truth that the Lord revealed. They know that temptation is strong with worldy pleasures. I think money and material things are ok as long as people do not get greedy and as long as the Lord is always put first.
Some individuals leave the church because they do not want to miss out on the fun that the world offers. Sometimes that fun is what can lead to the greatest misery. Some people just do not want to follow the commandments of the church.
I know this gospel is true and I would give my life for this truth I have. Without it, I am nothing. Every choice I made is inspired by the teachings and commandments of this gospel. I have already made sacrifes for this gospel. My sister is homosexual and asked if I would go to her wedding because she is engaged. I told her I would not because I do not support or believe in gay marriage. I might lose our relationship but I know what is right.
The kingdom gathers people like a net would gather fish. It gathers every kind of people or different race and religion. All people are welcome into the gospel because everyone is a spirit son or daughter of God. I think that " casting out the wicked" is talking about judgement day and individuals need to find priority in their lives. I know this gospel to be true and the Lord wants every person to find the gospel. He loves each of us and that is why it is my duty to always have a good example. I want others to know how much happiness this gospel can bring!

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