Saturday, October 20, 2012

Become as a Child

In Mathew 18: 1-14, we are instructed to become as little children. Christ explains that children are the greatest in the Kingdom and we need to humble ourselves as they are humble. We should not become offenders and should never “offend one of these little ones which believe in ‘Christ’”(vs 6). It is better to sacrifice our weaknesses now so we have the chance to make it in the Celestial Kingdom. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven are those that are humble.

In D&C 78: 17-18, The Lord tells us that we are like children and do not yet understand all the blessings that the Father has prepared for us. We cannot bear that knowledge yet but we are told to be of good cheer. The Lord will lead us along and all of those great blessings will be ours.

Mosiah 3:9 says, “Salvation might come unto the children of men even through faith on his name”. If we want to become humble as little children, faith is the key and this needs to be practiced daily. I have been struggling with my faith for a long time now. I have always had faith in the Lord but I just felt like I would never get answers and I tried to be happy but I could not be as happy as I used to be. I am constantly struggling in my life but today, I have felt a change in my life. As of yesterday, I realized how much faith I have in the Lord. Reading these scriptures just now were an answer to my prayers. I know that Heavenly Father has plans for my life and I can trust him whole heartedly. I love my Savior and I hope to always be humble before him. I know that this gospel is true with all of my heart. I know that Christ loves me and if I ever stray as the lost sheep did, I can see the savior in my life always trying to find me and never giving up.

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