Friday, October 12, 2012

Walking on Water!

In Mathew chapter 14 verses 22 to 33, this talks about the time when Jesus Christ walked on water.  The apostles were in the ship and they were frightened because the seas were not calm at all. But they were also frightened when they first saw Christ on the water. They had never seen man do that and they believed Christ was a spirit and “they cried out for fear” (vs. 26).

Peter wanted to make sure it really was Christ so Peter asked if he would be able to walk on the water towards the Lord. For a moment, he did have faith and he was doing the impossible. According to Mathew 14:30, Peter became scared because the seas were boisterous and he became afraid; In that moment, he started to sink because he lost his faith in the Savior even when he was right there. When He began to sink, he asked the Lord to save him. In verse 31 it reads, “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him…” (vs. 31). When we are in desperate need of the Lord, he will help us right away.

I believe that the most important scripture in this section is verse 27. The Lord says “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” This reminds me that in the craziness of my life, the Lord will always be there to calm the seas. He does not want me to be afraid because in the end, I will always be taken care of.

In D&C 88:67, it explains that if my eye is single to the glory of Christ, there will be no darkness in my body or life. My body will be filled with light and I will be able to comprehend all things. This scripture relates to Peter because he was able to walk on water for just a moment because his focus was on the Lord. Because of his priority, Peter was truly was able to comprehend so much more. He was able to comprehend miracles and he understood perfect faith. I know that this relates to my life. The more I read the scriptures, the more faith I receive.  With the more faith I have, I notice that I comprehend scriptures so much more. With Christ in my life, I know that I can accomplish the “impossible” because if have my eye on his glory, he will calm my seas!

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