Luke 10: 38-42 First you need to receive Christ into your
home. You need to sit at his feet and listen to his word. We need to become
servants and serve one another with a kind heart.
11:1-13 We need to pray to our father in heaven and become
his friend. Always ask for forgiveness. Always seek for truth and Christ will
give it unto you.
12: 13-40 A disciple is not covetous. Our life does not
consist in the many material things that we own on Earth. “The life is more
than meat, and the body is more than raiment” (Vs 23). Don’t obsess what you
are going to put in the body or on it. Do not doubt the Lord for he will take
care of you. Seek the Kingdom of God. Provide yourself a treasure in the
Heavens because where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be.
Always be prepared for the Lord to come because you don’t know when he will
13:23-24 Seek to
enter the kingdom through the strait gate.
14:16-33 The Lord
comes before anyone. We need to be humble like the poor and never make excuses
to leave Christ. We need to bear his cross and come after him. We forsake all
that we have for the Savior.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is very difficult
because we have to give up the selfishness of the natural man. We learn patience because God might delay the
blessing that we keep asking for. He delays them because he wants us to learn
stronger faith. In spite of rejection or
delayed needs, God wants us to know that he will grant us our greatest wishes
if it is asked for persistently with faith and it is a righteous desire. To
make prayer effective, we need to be conscious of how important it is and
really trust in the Lord. Blessings are even delayed because the Lord wants us
to practice more fervent and sincere prayers. (Student Manual pg. 115). I
testify that this is true. I love BYU-Idaho but I have hada great desire to go
to BYU. I have been praying for one year and working really hard towards this
goal and I got accepted. I cannot believe this but I need to thank my heavenly
father so much!
I am going to practice being a disciple by not coveting
other people’s lives. Sometimes I get jealous of how much fun others are having
or how pretty this person is. When I am focusing on what I do not have, I
forget to see what I do have. Honestly, I have one of the best lives anybody
could ask for. I know that my eyes can be opened greatly if I just focus and
appreciate what the Lord has given me.
To be a disciple, it is ultimately required to forsake all
that you have. You need to offer your whole soul to him, fast and pray, and
endure to the end. You need to render him all that you have and are.